About Jess

It has been over 30 years since I was first introduced to meditation and tarot. Somehow, living in a small southern town in the late eighties I stumbled upon Eastern philosophies and other metaphysical ideas and practices. My little world opened up and I began exploring! It has been an amazing journey since then, but not a painless one.

As a young woman, I had very a successful career. My passion was coaching and training, and I enjoyed the opportunity to travel and work with amazing people. For years I busied myself with being “successful” but before I even realized it, my spiritual practices had become either memories of what I used to do or passing thoughts of what I should try to get back to doing sometime in the future. By the time I was in my late 20’s, I was completely exhausted and extremely stressed out. Somewhere along the way, I had begun to drink too much - good old fashioned self-medicating. When I realized that was a problem, I switched to prescribed medications for my anxiety and depression. Turns out, that’s not good for me either!

So, after a very long and lonely dark night of the soul, I was gifted a moment of clarity. All the teachings and practices I had studied came rushing back to me in that moment and somehow pulled me out of the darkness. That was many years ago now and since then, the return to my practices has brought me a great sense of joy and purpose. I continued my career in a much better place spiritually, emotionally, and physically. While my work was less stressful and more fulfilling, I experienced a shift and a call to make a change in my life that would enable me to serve others in a different way.

I am currently a Chopra Certified Instructor and teach Primordial Sound Meditation and other meditation techniques. I also absolutely love to share the insights of the tarot and to be a part of someone’s journey to self-awareness. My journey has not always been easy (probably because I strayed from my true path so many times!) but I am so grateful that I can share my experiences, good and bad, to help others find their joy and purpose - their Bliss!